Rafter API


class Rafter(**kwargs)

Bases: sanic.app.Sanic

This class inherits Sanic’s default Sanic class. It provides an instance of your app, to which you can add resources or regular Sanic routes.


Please refer to Sanic API reference for init arguments.

default_filters = [<function filter_transform_response>]

Default filters called on every resource route.

default_error_handlers = ((<class 'rafter.exceptions.ApiError'>, <rafter.exceptions.ApiErrorHandler object>), (<class 'sanic.exceptions.SanicException'>, <rafter.exceptions.SanicExceptionHandler object>), (<class 'Exception'>, <rafter.exceptions.ExceptionHandler object>))

Default error handlers. It must be a list of tuples containing the exception type and a callable.

default_request_class = <class 'rafter.http.Request'>

The default request class. If changed, it must inherit from rafter.http.Request.

add_resource(handler, uri, methods=frozenset({'GET'}), **kwargs)

Register a resource route.

  • handler – function or class instance
  • uri – path of the URL
  • methods – list or tuple of methods allowed
  • host
  • strict_slashes
  • version
  • name – user defined route name for url_for
  • filters – List of callable that will filter request and response data
  • validators – List of callable added to the filter list.

function or class instance

resource(uri, methods=frozenset({'GET'}), **kwargs)

Decorates a function to be registered as a resource route.

  • uri – path of the URL
  • methods – list or tuple of methods allowed
  • host
  • strict_slashes
  • stream
  • version
  • name – user defined route name for url_for
  • filters – List of callable that will filter request and response data
  • validators – List of callable added to the filter list.

A decorated function


class Blueprint(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: sanic.blueprints.Blueprint

Create a new blueprint.

  • name – unique name of the blueprint
  • url_prefix – URL to be prefixed before all route URLs
  • strict_slashes – strict to trailing slash
add_resource(handler, uri, methods=frozenset({'GET'}), host=None, strict_slashes=None, version=None, name=None, **kwargs)

Create a blueprint resource route from a function.

  • uri – endpoint at which the route will be accessible.
  • methods – list of acceptable HTTP methods.
  • host
  • strict_slashes
  • version
  • name – user defined route name for url_for

function or class instance

Accepts any keyword argument that will be passed to the app resource.

resource(uri, methods=frozenset({'GET'}), host=None, strict_slashes=None, stream=False, version=None, name=None, **kwargs)

Create a blueprint resource route from a decorated function.

  • uri – endpoint at which the route will be accessible.
  • methods – list of acceptable HTTP methods.
  • host
  • strict_slashes
  • version
  • name – user defined route name for url_for

function or class instance

Accepts any keyword argument that will be passed to the app resource.



exception ApiError(message: str, status_code: int = 500, **kwargs)

Bases: sanic.exceptions.SanicException


Returns the internal property _data. It can be overriden by specialized inherited exceptions.

to_primitive() → dict

This methods is called by the error handler ApiErrorHandler and returns a dict of error data.

Error Handlers

class ExceptionHandler

Bases: object

A generic Exception handler.

The callable returns a JSON response with structured error data. The original error message is never returned. Use any type of SanicException if you need to do so.

__call__(request, exception)

If the data’s status is superior or equal to 500, the exception is logged, and if the Rafter app runs in debug mode, the statck trace is also returned in the response.

class SanicExceptionHandler

Bases: rafter.exceptions.ExceptionHandler

SanicException handler.

This handler returns the original error message in its data.

class ApiErrorHandler

Bases: rafter.exceptions.SanicExceptionHandler

ApiError handler.

This handler returns all error data returned by ApiError.to_primitive().


filter_transform_response(get_response, params)

This filter process the returned response. It does 3 things:

As the Response instance is not immediately serialized, you can still validate its data without any serialization / de-serialization penalty.


class Request(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: sanic.request.Request

This class is the default rafter.app.Rafter’s request object that will be transmitted to every route. It adds a validated attribute that will contains all of the validated values, if the route uses schemas.


This property can contain the request data after validation and conversion by the filter.

class Response(body=None, status=200, headers=None, content_type='application/json')

Bases: sanic.response.HTTPResponse

A response object that you can return in any route. It looks a lot like sanic.response.json function except that instead of immediately serialize the data, it just keeps the value. Serialization (to JSON) will only happen when the response’s body is retrieved.


def main_route(request):
    return Response({'data': 'some data'})